Brought to you by: Fire Shaper

LEVEL I - Student Advancement Program

Discover Your Potential and
Level Up Your Practice


Truly the best content I've ever embraced inside or out of a physical room

It's refreshing to have it explained to me in an easy digestible way

Lauren Liven


I improved my practice by making one simple shift

Just making one simple change to what I was doing is incredible, I just didn't know

Garret Chang


How did I even make it this far in my yoga practice

My body feels better, I'm less tense in class and things have really shifted

Jenny Espirit

Our 100 ASANA program is proven to deliver results

Watch this 5 minute video to get insight into how you can be the best & what you can expect


We agree that you and your growth are worth it. All you need to do now is choose how you'd like to make that investment. Save with a single one-time payment.

Over 90 hours of course material

We want you to succeed so we give you everything we know you might need

10 Videos

Each week for 10 weeks you'll be delivered a video course that will consistently grow your practice.

10 pdf Guides

Each of the 10 week courses has a pdf companion that supports the video lesson.

In-Studio Events

Those that complete the 100 ASANA program can attend any 100 Asana live session for free.

100 Asana Insignia

It's your first yoga achievement so wear the insignia proudly. It shows you've done the work and have the skills.

Leading Health and Wellness

Our foundation for success comes from our expert teachers helping people be the best they can be.

Course lessons


Focus is on the 3 core elements of your practice. Expanding into the 3 categories of alignments. Opening into the 6 essential Global Alignments that impact every posture. 

Movements of Mastery

An in-depth discussion and demonstration of the Global Alignments, specifically Body Positioning, Flexion, Extension and Rotation.

Quantum of Mastery

We complete Global Alignments and discuss the quantum states of Expansion and Deepening as well as include Triangle and Standing Bow Pose to lock in our lessons.

Lesson 4

Mastery to Transform

Expand new knowledge into the postures of Up Face Dog, Down Face Dog, Balancing Stick (Warrior 3), Camel pose and Rabbit pose.

Lesson 5

The Change Has Begun

Utilize this next level of momentum to open deeper into your legs and spine with postures like Separate Forehead to Knee, Separate Leg Stretching and Spinal Twisting pose.

Lesson 6

Harmony and Vibration

Bringing you into harmony begins with language as we introduce you to NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. We teach you about Passive and Active states of muscles and apply it in Eagle.

Find Truth

This module works on Strength and Steadiness. Core principles to get you stronger as we teach you through Awkward (Chair) pose and Standing Forehead to Knee posture.

Opening Your Spine

Explore your nervous system some more as we discuss progressive and reactive states of activity. Postures like Floor Bow, Camel Pose Variations and Revolved Triangle Pose will help you embody this lesson.

Opening Your Pelvis

Explore some floor postures that provide opening and lengthening for core critical areas such as the hamstrings, hips, and quadriceps. Featured are Reclined Hero, Forehead to Knee and Wide Angle Stretching.

Lesson 10

Hip and Low Back Completion

Completing this course with fundamentals to help you in your hips and lower back with postures such as Reclined Twists, Foot to Knee, Pigeon and Half Tortoise help to heal these areas.

PDF companions

Follow along in print

Each course has an accompanying pdf companion to help you visualize off video. We offer additional and critical points not mention in the videos and provide you with added insights.


Congratulations Graduate

Completing the 100 ASANA video course is step 1 to obtaining your insignia. It all becomes official once you have accumulated 100 or more hours of yoga practice inclusive of your home, Fire Shaper or other studio hours.

Get started.


Highly experienced instruction

Each lesson is led by Dr John Surie, founder of Fire Shaper with over 25 years of one on one and group transformational work.

Tried, tested & optimized material

We've taught these insights to thousands of students and have hand picked this content to help you grow in this first level of achievement.

Over 90 hours of course content

Each course lesson is approximately 60 minutes in length. We've meticulously curated the content of each video to lead you to the next empowered version of you.

The next version of you awaits!

Each week costs less than your typical yoga class plus you get access to all 10 weeks, all 10 videos and all the extras.

$99 all access

Pay for the entire 10 week course up front and save quite a bit of money. Your investment will pay off in your results.

Once you make the commitment all the content will be delivered to you on a weekly basis. You'll receive an email alerting you to a new course being unlocked. Log into your account anytime to see all your unlocked videos.

Make the next version of you EPIC

In our quantum existence all versions of you exist with infinite opportunities and expressions available to you. What makes you, you, is where your consciousness lives. Your consciousness lives in this version, the one reading these words. Now, it's just a choice, do I grow? or Do I just keep staying the same me?

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